Photo by Shervin Lainez
Jon Chattman, A-Sides / Huffington Post
"[Leverage Models] just crushes it and I don’t use that term lightly“
The Michigan Daily (Detroit, MI)
"Expansive and infectious…impressive”
The Village Voice (NYC)
"[Seeing] Leverage Models live is like watching a fireworks display. Frontman Shannon Fields is a powder keg of nervous energy, belting words through a megaphone, jangling a tambourine, and flailing through the crowd. He doesn’t dance so much as combust. ” - Lindsey Rhoades
digBoston (Boston, MA)
"Fields was a tent revival Fury, wailing and crooning… the music conjured a danceable commentary on human struggle through personal and corporate corruption”
Gaper's Block (Chicago, IL)
“[Leverage Models] held a unique grandness over the crowd…energetic and inspired…ecstatic… I’m sure most people came specifically to see Son Lux, but Leverage Models left their exciting set with a lot of new fans cheering for more.”
Random Nerds, D.C. (Hopscotch Festival Roundup, 2015)
“While there is an undeniably lackadaisical feel to Hopscotch, there are most certainly those precious, deserving acts you know you have to make time for no matter what. For yours truly, that was Leverage Models. The Brooklyn-based band birthed from songwriter Shannon Fields has come a long way since first releasing their 2013 debut LP, and having expanded into a fully-formed 6-piece, their sound is as impressive as ever. The addition of Tiny Hazard’s Alena Spanger and a true embracing of their dramatic pop sound has me thinking they could really go places with the new album Shannon and company teased. I only saw their official set the final night of the festival and it was one of the more memorable parts of my trip, but rumor has it their day show that kicked off the day at noon might have won Best Performance of the Weekend”. – Bryce Rudow, Editor-In-Chief
Brightest Young Things (Washington, D.C.)
"Ridiculously fun…intoxicating”
Flavorpill (NYC)
"energetic...[Leverage Models'] songs hit pop buttons in a very strange way"
Folio Weeklu (Jacksonville, FL)
"Churning, synthesized electronics flow over pounding drum roll and anxiety-inducing guitar feedback… Shannon Fields tangos his away up and down the stage while recounting the majesty of our Wells Fargo and Bank of America buildings… an entertaining assault on the senses"
OhMyRockness (New York, NY)
"Grand, engaging, and wonderfully weird“
Audiofemme (New York, NY)
As complex as the stars above our heads and equally as beautiful, the New Yorkers create intricate dance music about some very serious topics, ranging from rebelling against political authority to self-harm.
IndyWeek (Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill, NC)
"Dancing in Neptunes is already an exercise in claustrophobia, but dancing and finding yourself trapped in a weird web of pop experimentalism may cause euphoric seizures. Bring it on, LEVERAGE MODELS"
The Indie Blender (Toronto, ON)
"Energetic and entertaining…[the] singer reminded me of Edward Norton circa Fight Club in his disheveled suit"
WSOE 89.3FM (Durham, NC)
"Hopscotch 2015 Picks: After listening to their excellent self-titled 2013 release, it surprised me that Leverage Models has flown under the radar of most people...Leverage Models brings a fast-paced edge to the normal electronic pop balance. Their knitting of multiple decades of influences provides the opportunity for a completely inimitable sound, unrivaled by electronic artists today."
Jambase.com (Hopscotch Festival, 2015)
"Ten Best Moments Of Hopscotch Music Festival 2015: Their set was a much needed morning wake up as the six-piece band from upstate New York filled the air with percussive dance-inspired rock music and an animatic frontman Shannon Fields who dressed in white danced and sung his way into our hearts. This band has heavy vibes in the area of the Talking Heads and of Montreal”
Concert Confessions (St. Louis, MO)
Philly.com (Phildaelphia, PA)
“Terrific… convulsively energetic”
Arts Extract (Madison, WI)
"Pop that’s lush and busy but relentlessly taut. Leader Shannon Fields gives it all a slightly sinister edge with the disciplined, never-too-cushy arrangement and cryptic lyrics, but that never tamps down the glimmer of the synths or the exhuberance of the roto-toms”)
Posture Magazine (Savannah, GA)
"I fell in love"
Unrecorded (Chicago, IL)
“Exuberant, complex… it went too quickly, leaving the audience wanting more”
INDYWeek (Raleigh, NC)
"Updaters of grand synthpop traditions, with reflective textures and racing rhythms pushing up hooks like mountain peaks. Dramatic and arching”
WHUS (SXSW, Austin, TX)
"A funky, groovy, 80s harkening space oddity…The performance was fantastic and vibrant”
Real Detroit Weekly (Detroit, MI)
"Recommended! Bizarre, dreamily ambient sounds coupled with energetic beats will have you smiling and dancing in no time”
BrooklynVegan (Brooklyn, NY
"[brings] the record's widescreen ambitions to life"
Holus Bolus Indie (New York, NY)
"Recommended! One of the few things that have broken me out of my 2048 induced haze”